Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Steamed Yogurt Cupcakes (Apam Yogurt)

 I still have some leftover yogurt after making the Chocolate Yoghurt Cake the other day. While thinking what to do with it, I saw KakPaty making this blossom Apam Yogurt. I search for the original owner and then found out that there are so many blogger friends who have tried it successfully and original recipe was from Rima (many thanks to Rima for the marvelous recipe, KakPaty and all who shared their beautiful photos).

For info, I was so lazy to take out my steamer pot & simply used a wok to steam the cupcakes.... The water was shallow and hence dried out after each batch - I had to heat up the water for every batch and furthermore I could only steam a small number each time.... fiushhh! The lesson is next time I better use the normal steamer pot.....
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: KakPaty
Original recipe by: Rima
Makes 28 pieces
1 1/3 cup Castor Sugar (HomeKreation: reduced i/o 2 cups) 
1 tsp Ovallete
2 cup Flour
1 cup Fresh Thick Yoghurt
2 Eggs
1/2 tsp Double Action Baking Powder
1 tsp Cocoa Powder
(HomeKreation: I skipped)
1 tsp Chocolate/Pandan Paste 

1. Beat all of them together until the batter becomes pale, thick, and the whisk leaves a vivid trail when stirring through the batter.
2. Spare some batter for the chocolate topping (about 5 tbsp), mix it with cocoa powder and chocolate paste.
3. Drop the white batter into cups, then drop a teaspoon of chocolate batter on top of every cup.
4. Steam for 15 mins.


Ramai yg dah cuba buat apam ni tapi Along baru terhegeh-hegeh mencuba. Nasib baik gak dapat peluang mencuba sebab sedap banget kuih ni... takda masalah untuk mekar, semua nya tersenyum lebar. Puas hati betul buat ni & anak2 pun cakap sedap.

Source: KakPaty
Original recipe by: Rima
Alih bahasa by HomeKreation
Bilangan 28 ketul
1 1/3 cwn Gula Kastor
(AlongRoz: dah kurangkan drpd 2 cwn sukatan asal)
1 st Ovalet
2 cwn Tepung Gdm
1 cwn Yogurt
2 bj Telur
1/2 st Double Action Baking Powder
1 st Pes Coklat/Pandan

1. Masukkan kesemua bhn ke dlm mangkuk & pukul dgn kuasa tinggi sehingga kembang & pekat.
2. Ambil +/- 5 sb & campurkan dgn pes coklat/pandan.
3. Sudukan adunan kedlm cwn kertas & letakkan sedikit adunan coklat/pandan di tengah nya.
4. Kukus 15 min.

Steamed Yogurt Cupcakes (Apam Yogurt) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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