Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Curry Puffs IV (Karipap Rangup)

 Had a piece of hot curry puff fresh from a wok and with a cup of coffee in the evening.... sitting quietly in the side patio with soft breeze and overlooking my newly arranged flower pots... what a relaxing mind... I wanted to forget everything else but just the curry puffs... hehehe!

This time I tried another version of curry puff pastry. It is almost similar to the one I posted earlier here except this one uses hot oil instead of margarine. Truely crispy but make sure you fry long enough so that it cooked till the inside layers.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: MyStyleMyWay (Original by: here)
Translated into English by HomeKreation
Recipe below is half portion of the original recipe
Makes 36 pieces
500g Plain Flour
50g Rice Flour
50g Tapioca Flour
1 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
2½ tbsp Margarine*
¼ cup Oil* (* heat-up) 

1. Mix all the dry ingredients together.
Add in hot oil mixture well.
Pour in water gradually, just enough to form required dough.

2. Divide dough into small balls.
Flatten it & fill with preferred filling (I made sweet potato and beef filling).
Repeat with all.

3. Deep fry until crispy.
(I fried half cooked and freeze for later consumption).

Along memang hantu karipap.... kalau boleh hari2 makan karipap pun takpa. Memang selalu buat karipap pastu bekukan, boleh goreng bila2 masa sahaja. Selalu nya Along guna resepi kat sini, so bila buat malas nak ulang tayang terutama bila low mood. Kali ni Along cuba resepi lain pula, hampir2 serupa juga dgn resepi pertama tu (letak tepung ubi & tepung beras) cuma kali ni guna minyak panas. Memang ranguuuuuup....! Cuma pesanan Along, goreng karipap kena lama2 baru lah rangup sehingga ke lapisan dalam.

Terima-kasih pada source & tuan empunya, Along link kat bawah ni... belum kenal & tak tau nama mereka pun....

Source: MyStyleMyWay (Original by: here)
Resepi di bawah ni, Along dah separuhkan drpd resepi asal & di taip semula ikut cara2 yg Along buat.
Bilangan 36 ketul
500g Tepung
50g Tepung Beras
50g Tepung Ubi
1 sb Gula
1 st Garam
2½ sb Majerin*
¼ cwn Minyak* (* panaskan) 

1. Campurkan kesemua bhn2 kering.
Tuangkan minyak panas & gaul rata.
Tuangkan air sedikit2 sehingga membentuk doh lembut.

2. Bahagi dok kpd bebola kecil.
Leperkan & isi dgn inti kesukaan (Along guna inti keledek+daging).
Buat sehingga habis.

3.Goreng dgn minyak dalam sehingga garing.
(Along goreng separuh masak & bekukan utk hidangan kemudian).

Curry Puffs IV (Karipap Rangup) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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