Friday, February 10, 2012

Biskut Bangkit Santan Tradisional

 I wanted to make something traditional for our belated CNY party in the office next week and have always been wanting to try to make this cookies that I love so much. My mother used to make fabulous Biskut Bangkit Santan but she cannot recall anymore how to make it at this age. The excellent quality have to be creamy, strong santan aroma, puffed up to melt in mouth.

After searching in internet, I could not find any version making similar method like my mother's. At the end, I decided to do by trial & error. I was thrilled to see some cracks developed while it was being baked (a good sign) - the outcome was very creamy & fragrant with nice sweetness level except one mistake. I was too impatient to wait for the flour and sugar syrup to cool off before mixing the egg in. As a result the egg curdle and I had tiny bits in my cookies.... I guess it could have puffed up more if I was little bit patient. Anyway, I decided to share the recipe because I like the taste & I know what I did wrong.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Makes >60 tiny pieces
170g Tapioca Flour
50g Plain Flour
A pinch Baking Powder
85g Sugar
100g Coconut Cream (Santan)
1/4 tsp Salt
2 Pandan Leaves
1 Egg

1. Mix tapioca & plain flour.
Stir fry in a wok with 1 Pandan leaf above small-medium fire until light (about 6-7 min).
Cool completely before adding baking powder.

2. Combine coconut cream, sugar, salt & 1 Pandan leaf in a pot.
Stir until sugar is dissolved.
Cool completely.

3. Beat egg lightly with fork & mix into the flour followed by sugar syrup until soft dough is formed.
Add more Santan if too dry.

4. Roll flat & cut into shape.
Bake at 180C for 10 min until cooked. 

Tips: Make sure all ingredients at room temperature before mixing.

Dah lama teringin nak buat sendiri kuih tradisi yg tidak di makan zaman ni sbb Along suka sangat makan biskut ni. Tanya dgn Emak tapi dia kata dah tak ingat. Cari2 kat internet takda pula resepi yg macam Emak Along buat dulu tu. Akhir nya, Along cuba2 jer lah, berdasarkan apa yg Along perhatikan Emak Along buat dulu2. Masih terbayang bagaimana kesedapan kuih yg Emak Along buat tu.... harum wangi & lemak rasa santan dan kegebuan biskut nya apabila di gigit terus serpuh cair dalam mulut.... Rasa nak melompat2 gembira apabila sekut mula merekah2 dlm oven... hehe rasa nya memang lemak & harum sekali, manis pun sedang elok tapi ada kesilapan teknikal... akibat kegolojohan & tidak sabar2 menunggu tepung & air gula sejuk, terasa gentel2an kecil telur yg tidak sebati dlm sekut tu.... Along rasa kalau tidak, tentu lah sekut ni lebih gebu & peroi. Walau bagaimana pun Along kongsikan lah respi nya, insyaallah akan menjadi kalau anda tidak gelojoh macam Along...hehe.

Bilangan >60 kepingan kecil
170g Tepung Ubikayu
50g Tepung Gandum
Secubit Baking Powder
85g Gula
100g Santan Krim
1/4 st Garam
2 helai Daun Pandan
1 bj Telur

1. Campurkan kedua2 tepung, 1 helai daun pandan & sangai dlm kuali sehingga ringan (lebih kurang  6-7 min).
Sejukkan & campur BP.

2. Masukkan santan, gula, garam & 1 helai daun Pandan ke dlm periuk.
Masak sehingga gula cair & sebati. Sejukkan.

3. Pukul telur dgn garfu & campurkan ke dlm tepung di ikuti dgn sirap gula.
Uli sehingga sebati & lembut.
Campurkan santan jika adunan keras/kering.

4. Canaikan doh & terap dgn acuan biskut.
Bakar 180C selama 10 min sehingga masak.

Tips: Pastikan kesemua bahan di suhu bilik sebelum mengadun.

Biskut Bangkit Santan Tradisional Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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