Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mee Rebus II

 Hello everybody. Sorry for not appearing as frequent as I like.... sorting out many personal and family matters and also need some rest for myself. Here sharing the breakfast that I prepared this morning. Very nice and not too hot - you can add sliced chili to spice up more if you like.

My mother and family love chuck beef despite it is commonly unpopular (sold cheap as it is considered tough due to the great amount of connective tissues). Actually if you know how to cook it, it is the best part of all with more flavour. The muscles between the meat claimed to be tough but if you cook it long enough it will turn soft and lovely texture. I used slow cooker this time - dumped it at night and ready first thing in the morning.
 This is my second version of Mee Rebus.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Serve 5-6 persons
500g Chuck Beef - cut into small chunks 
8 Shallots*
2 cloves Garlic*
1/2" Ginger* (* blended with a bit of water) 
5 tbsp Chili Paste
1 tbsp Soup Spice Powder
3 tbsp Tomato Sauce

2 cups blended Boiled Sweet Potato
2 tbsp Cornflour - mix with few tbsp water 
1 kg Fresh Yellow Noodles
1 bunch Mustard Leaves - blanched 
Bean Sprout - blanched 
1 Bean Curd - deep fried & sliced 
Garnish - Spring Onion, Chinese Celery, Chilies, Boiled Eggs, Lime, Fried Shallots
Salt, Sugar

1.  Boil beef with 1½ liter water until tender - usually will take > 1hour but I cooked overnight in slow cooker.

2. Heat up few tbsp oil & stir-fry chili paste until fragrant.
Add in pounded ingredients & stir few more minutes.
Add in soup spice powder, tomato sauce & stir few more minutes.
Add in beef, the stock, blended sweet potato, cornflour paste, salt & sugar.
Cook until all well mixed and balanced taste.

3. Wash noodles to get rid of excess oil & blanch in hot water.
Serve with the vegetables, gravy & garnishes.
Assalamualaikum kekawan & para pembaca.Maaf lah ya, tak dapat nak bersiaran sekerap nya. Hari ni berkesempatan snap2 gambo Mee Rebus yg buat pagi tadi. Gambo pun cincai2 jer tak dan nak berhias apa bagai. Along nak kongsi resepi Mee Rebus yg mudah tapi sedap.

Dalam resepi ni, Along guna daging yg berurat2 - selalu nya orang tak gemor daging camni tapi Along suka sebab rasa nya lebih sedap. Kena rajin rebus lama2, nak senang boleh guna pressure / slow cooker.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hidangan 5-6 orang
500g Daging - potong ketul2 kecil
8 ulas Bwg Merah*
2 ulas Bwg Putih*
1/2" Halia* (* blended with a bit of water) 
5 sb Cili Mesin
1 sb Serbuk Rempah Sup
3 sb Sos Tomato
2 cwn Keledek Lecek/Blend
2 sb Tpg Jagung - bancuh dgn sedikit air
1 kg Mee Kuning
1 ikat Daun Sawi - celur 
Taugeh - celur 
1 keping Tahu - goreng garing & hiris
Bahan Tabur - Daun Bwg/Sup, Cili, Telur Rebus, Limau & Bwg Goreng
Garam & Gula

1.  Rebus daging dgn 1½ liter air sehingga empuk (Along guna slow cooker & rebus semalaman).

2. Panasakan sedikit minyak & tumis cili mesin sehingga wangi.
Masukkan bhn2 tumbuk & kacau beberapa minit lagi.
Masukkan rempah sup, sos tomato & kacau lagi beberapa minit.
Masukkan daging, air rebusan, keledek lecek, tepung jagung, garam & gula.
Masak sehingga sebati rasa.

3. Basuk mee supaya tidak terlalu berminyak.
Bilas dgn air panas.
Hidangkan dengan kuah Mee Rebus, sayuran & bahan tabur.

Mee Rebus II Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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