Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sardine Samosa

 I made this several days ago for evening tea during my friend's visit. I prepared this in advance, froze it and fried on the day needed..... very convenient!
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Makes about 30 pcs
1 packet 9" sq Popiah Skin
1 big can Sardine - drain & mashed coarsely 
3 Shallots*
1 Garlic*
1" Ginger*
1 tsp Black Pepper* (* pounded) 
1 tbsp Chili Paste
1 Big Onion**
4 Green Chilies** (** chopped) 
1 Egg

1.  Heat up few tbsp oil, stir fry pounded ingredients* & chili paste until fragrant.
Add in salt, chopped onion & green chilies.
Break in egg & stir until cooked.
Add in mashed sardine & stir until well mixed.
Dish out & cool.

2. Cut the popiah skin into 3 equal width strips.
Place filling & fold into a triangle shape.
See here for folding method.
Seal edge with flour paste.

3. Deep fry until crispy and golden color.
Serve with chili sauce.

Samosa ni sedap makan waktu petang2 sambil menung2 kat patio, hirup2 kopi kaw...... walaaaa.... hehe.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Anggaran 30 ketul
1 bungkus 9" persegi Kulit Popiah
1 tin besar Sardin - tapis air & lecek dgn garpu
3 ulas Bwg Merah*
1 ulas Bwg Putih*
1" Halia*
1 st Lada Hitam* (* tumbuk) 
1 sb Cili Mesin
1 bj Bwg Besar**
4 bj Cili Hijau** (** potong kasar) 
1 bj Telur

1.  Panaskan sedikit minyak, tumis bhn tumbuk & cili mesin sehingga garing.
Masukkan garam, bwg besar & cili hijau.
Pecahkan telur & kacau sehingga masak.
Masukkan sardin & kacau sebati.

2. Potong kulit popiah kpd 3 jalur.
Letakkn sesudu inti sardin & lipat bentuk 3 segi.
Lihat di sini cara untuk melipat samosa.
Lekatkan hujung nya dgn sedikit bancuhan tepung.

3. Goreng sehingga garing.
Hidangkan dgn sos cili.

Sardine Samosa Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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