Friday, June 1, 2012

Bingka Ambon

 My first attempt in making this kuih was successful.... I defined it successful because the expected honeycomb texture was very obvious whether through vertical or horizontal cross cut section! In term of taste... well will depend on individual taste bud... the kafir lime fragrant is quite dominant and will not attract small kids (at least mine) but probably more for those who traditionally been eating this. Need to add more sugar.... a bit bland. Texture is soft & chewy which I don't mind.
 I used takoyaki mold because I don't have the original mold which is bigger & deeper holes. I imagined the texture will be more beautiful with the proper mold.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction (ex Majalah Sedap)
Source II:  Faeez
Resepi di taip semula untuk mudah rujuk sendiri
Makes >100 small pieces
100g Plain Flour*
125ml Water*
1 packet Instant Yeast*
(* mix & leave to ferment for 15 min) 
300 ml Coconut Milk
½ tsp Pandan Paste
15 Kafir Lime Leaves - torn
2 Lemon Grass crushed
- I skipped
2 Pandan Leaves
1 tsp Salt
300g Sugar
(recommend to increase)
225g Tapioca Flour
25g Glutinous Rice Flour

7 Eggs

1. Combine coconut milk, tumeric powder, kafir leaves, lemongrass, pandan leaves, salt & sugar in a pot & cook, stirring continuously, until mixture boils. 
Remove from fire & strain mixture - set aside 450ml.

2. Combine tapioca, glutinous rice flour & yeast mixture using whisk.
Add in warm coconut mixture in several additions.

Continue mixing for about 15 minutes.
Leave mixture aside for 2 hours.

3. Heat up mold on a stove using low fire & oil well.
Pour mixture into the mould until 3/4 full (stir mixture thoroughly before pouring).
Cover the mould once little holes start to form on the surface of the bingka until cooked.
Remove bingka from mould & repeat process.

horizontal cross cut look

Wow... teruja nya Along dgn hasil yg pertama kali mencuba.... cantik lubang2 nya walaupun Along hanya menggunakan acuan takoyaki & saiz yg sangat kecil. TQ Ayu share resipi yg sangat terbaik dan juga Faeez yg menginspirasi semula semanagat Along. Memang dah masuk list dari awal lagi tapi semangat tetiba tertiup semula setelah sekian lama... 

Along buat separuh dari adunan di bawah ni.

Mula2 tu ingatkan tak jadi sebab selepas 2 jam, adunan tak mengembang pun tapi alhamdulillah, cantik naik apabila di masak.

Source: Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction (ex Majalah Sedap)
Source II:  Faeez
Resepi di taip semula untuk mudah rujuk sendiri
Bilangan: >100 biji kecil
100g Tepung Gandum*
125 ml Air*
1 bungkus Yis Segera*
(* campur & biar 15min) 
300ml Santan
½ st Pes Pandan
(resipi asal letak serbuk kunyit) 
15 helai Daun Limau Purut - dicarik-carik
2 batang Serai - dititik (Along tak bubuh) 
2 helai Daun Pandan
1 st Garam
300g Gula Pasir
(pd pendapat Along kena tambah lagi) 
225g Tepung Sagu (Along guna Tpg Ubikayu) 
25g Tepung Pulut
7 biji Telur

1. Rebus santan, serbuk kunyit, daun limau, serai, daun pandan, garam dan gula pasir sambil dikacau sehingga mendidih.
Tapis dan sukat sehingga 450ml.
2. Campurkan tepung sagu, tepung pulut dan bahan yis dgn mixer.
Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil di pukul perlahan sehingga rata.
Masukkan rebusan santan suam sedikit demi sedikit sambil dipukul perlahan dengan mixer selama 15 minit.
Biarkan selama 2 jam.
3. Panaskan acuan kuih lumpur & di minyakkan.
Kacau adunan yg mengembang tadi sebelum di masak supaya tidak terlalu banyak buih.
Tuangkan adunan sehingga 3/4 penuh & masak dgn api kecil (kuih akan mengembang penuh apabila masak).
Biarkan sehingga kelihatan berlubang-lubang.
Tutup dan biarkan sehingga masak.

Bingka Ambon Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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