Sunday, July 21, 2013

Talam Sagu Gula Melaka

 This delicate categorised locally as "Kuih Talam" [Talam is literally translated as tray and kuih is Malay steamed cake i.e. the combined words means steamed Malay cake and typically made in two/more layers of different ingredients combined to produce succulent bites]. This particular one has fragrant Malacca palm sugar flavour with silky texture on top layer and matched with bottom layer of springy plain sago coconut layer.... I love every bite of it...! 

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: YatieMemories (original by ChefAsma)
Translated into English by HomeKreation
The portion is halved from the original recipe
Yields 8" square
150g Sago - rinse & soak 30 minutes then drained 
30g SooHoon - soak in warm water 30 minutes then drained  & cut into short strips 
50g Freshly Grated Coconut
50ml Coconut Milk
150ml Water
1/2 tsp Salt
100g Malacca Palm Sugar*
50g Malay Brown Sugar*
25g Sugar*
250ml Water*
1 Screwpine Leaf*
75g Flour
1/2 tbsp Cornflour
1 Egg
125ml Coconut Milk
1/4 tsp Salt

1. Combine all bottom ingredients and place in a lined tin.
Steam 30 minutes.
Press surface lightly to ensure even layer.
2.  Combine ingredients marked* and stir on fire until sugar is dissolved.
Cool slightly.
3. Combine all bottom layer ingredients and heat up slightly.
4. Pour onto the first layer and steam 30 minutes.
5. Cool kuih completely at room temperature before slicing

Sedap nyaaaa kuih talam ni..... lapisan atas nya tu amat wangi harum gula melaka, sedang2 manis di gandingi dgn lapisan sagu yg kenyal2 di gigitan.... amat menepati citarasa Along! Along bawa setalam ke pejabat dan abis licin seketul pun tak tinggal! Pada peminat kuih talam, kuih ni memang wajib cuba...!

Terima-kasih Yatie dan juga pemilik resepi asal yg sudi menengahkan resipi yg sgt sedap ni.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: YatieMemories (original by ChefAsma)
Resipi di bawah ni Along dah separuhkan dari sukatan asal
Resipi di taip semula untuk mudah rujuk
Saiz tin: 8" persegi
150g Sagu halus - bilas, rendam 30 minit & tapis
30g SooHoon - rendam dlm air suam 30 minit, tapis & potong pendek
50g Kelapa Parut
50ml Santan pekat
150ml Air
1/2 st Garam
100g Gula Melaka*
50g Gula Merah*
25g Gula*
250ml Air*
1 helai Daun Pandan*
75g Tpg Gandum
1/2 sb Tpg Jagung
1 bj Telur
125ml Santan
1/4 st Garam

1. Satukan kesemua bahan2 lapisan bawah & ratakan ke dlm tin yg di lapik.
Kukus 30 minit.
Tekan permukaan supaya rata.
2. Satukan bahan2 yg di tanda* & masak sehingga gula larut.
Sejukkan sebentar.
3. Campurkan kesemua bhn2 lapisan bawah & masak sehingga naik wap.
4. Tuangkan ke atas lapisan bawah tadi & kukus selama 30 minit.
5. Sejukkan kuih sebelum di potong.

Talam Sagu Gula Melaka Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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