Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chocolate Yoghurt Cake with Sour Frosting

 I had a box of milk chocolate which is melted and no one interested in it anymore. On the other hand I had a big tub of yoghurt almost expiring. I thought the best way to clear them will be yoghurt chocolate cake! I couldn't find such recipe online and at the end decided just to modify the standard chocolate cake from a book of mine. I've also created sour frosting using yoghurt although I have not heard or tried it before. The outcome was very surprisingly  delicious crumbly & moist cake and the sour frosting is also complimenting it well although my third son said just "ok" because he did not like yoghurt.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Makes 9" round
Full cream yoghurt
160g Milk Chocolate - melted
½ cup Hot Water
3 tbs Cocoa Powder
185g Butter
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
1½ cup Brown Sugar
3 Eggs
½ cup Yoghurt
2 cup Self-Raising Flour

1. Mix well melted chocolate, hot water & cocoa powder.
Keep aside until cool.

2. Cream butter, VE & brown sugar until fluffy.
Add in egg one by one while beating until combined.
Add in chocolate mixture & yoghurt until combined.
Add in flour in two batches until combined.

3. Pour mixture into lined & greased tin & bake at 180C for 45 minutes.
Invert & cool cake on wire rack.
Slice cake into two layers.
Sandwich and cover top & side with frosting.

300g Cooking Chocolate
150g Yoghurt
- Melt chocolate using double-boil method.
- Mix in yoghurt & stir until smooth.
- Let is slightly cool for 1-2 min before using.

Kek rekaan Along sendiri untuk habiskan coklat dan yogurt. Sedaplah, Along tak henti ulang2 makan sebab sungguh mengasyikkan dengan tekstur yg agak lembab dan 'crumbly'. Frosting nya memang Along sengaja buat rasa masam sedikit , kalau nak boleh tambah gula aising tapi sedang elok untuk selera Along. Kalau bebudak mesti nak manis2 kan jadi boleh lah tambahkan gula.....

Malam ni rasa tak larat nak ngadap pc lama2.... kalau siapa2 nak terjemahan BM, tolong khaborkan ya.....


Kek Yogurt Coklat dgn Frosting Masam
Saiz 9" bulat
160g Coklat Susu - cairkan
½ cwn Air Panas
3 sb Serbuk Koko
185g Butter
1 st Vanilla Essence
1½ cwn Gula Perang
3 bj Telur
½ cwn Yogurt
2 cwn Tepung Naik Sendiri

1. Campurkan coklat cair, air panas & koko sehingga sebati.
Ketepikan sehingga sejuk.

2. Pukul butter, VE & gula perang sehingga gebu.
Masukkan telur satu-persatu sehingga sebati.
Masukkan bancuhan coklat & yogurt sehingga sebati.
Masukkan tepung separuh2 sehingga sebati.

3. Tuang adunan ke dlm tin yg dilapik kertas & di gris.
Bakar 180C selama 45 min.
Sejukkan kek di atas jaring besi.
Potong kek kpd dua lapisan.
Lapiskan dgn frosting & sapu keliling.

300g Coklat Masakan
150g Yogurt
- Cairkan coklat dgn kaedah double-boil.
- Campurkan yogurt & kacau sehingga sebati.
- Sejukkan 1-2 minit sebelum di gunakan.

 Along sapu frosting cincai2 jer sbb nak makan sendiri, takda acara spesel pun, so kira nak cepat ngap lah ni.... Buat kek malam, sapu frosting pagi tadi, sempat ler jamu sebagai dessert lepas sarapan pagi tadi....hehe.

Chocolate Yoghurt Cake with Sour Frosting Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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