Monday, September 19, 2011

Lychee Jelly II (Agar-Agar Laici II)

 Hello everyone.... It has been many days since the last update.... I've been very busy preparing for our open house, entertaining guests as well as visiting others too.... Hari Raya in Miri is still up & run until end of Syawal (another one fun week to go) and hence very little time to rest and what more blogging.

By the way, sharing herewith the dessert that I made recently for the open house....
 This is a big portion and therefore you can reduce the recipe to half portion for smaller scale.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
The bottom layer is adapted from earlier recipe from here but used my own measurements
Idea for lychee flowers is from here
Size: 10" square
1 packet (13g) Jelly Powder
1.5 liter Water (include lychee syrup) 
200g Sugar
1 can Lychee - cut around each lychee to form flower shape 
Red Color
1 packet (13g) Jelly Powder
1.3 liter Water
240g Sugar
1 can (400g) Evaporated Milk
1 can Lychee - blend lychee & syrup coarsely 

1. Prepare top layer first.
Arrange lychee on base of tin.

2. Boil jelly powder & water until dissolved.
Add in sugar & stir until dissolved.
Add red color & pour into the tin arranged with lychees.

3. Prepare bottom layer.
Boil jelly powder & water until dissolved.
Add in sugar & stir until dissolved.
Add in milk & blended lychee & let it boil.
Pour onto the first layer which has been slightly set.

4. Let is set at room temperature & chill.
Unmould & serve with the red layer on top.

Agar-Agar Laici
Buat untuk jamu kawan2 pada rumah terbuka Hari Raya.... Kalau nak buat untuk keluarga kecil, boleh separuhkan sukatan di bawah.

Lapisan bawah tu Along guna idea drpd sini tapi Along ikut sukatan sendiri.
Lapisan atas tu buat bunga2 idea dari sini
Saiz: 10" square
1 bungkus (13g) Serbuk Agar-Agar
1.5 liter Air (termasuk air sirap laici) 
200g Gula
1 tin Laici - hiris buah laici membentuk bunga
Pewarna Merah
1 bungkus (13g) Serbuk Agar-Agar
1.3 liter Air
240g Gula
1 tin (400g) Susu Ideal
1 tin Laici - blend kasar laici & sirap

1. Sediakan lapisan atas dahulu.
Susun buah laici dalam acuan tin.

2. Masak serbuk agar2 dgn air sehingga larut.
Masukkan gula & kacau sehingga larut.
Masukkan pewarna merah & tuangkan ke atas buah laici tadi.

3. Sediakan lapisan bawah.
Masak serbuk agar2 dgn air sehingga larut.
Masukkan gula & kacau sehingga larut.

Masukkan susu & laici blend, kacau sehingga mendidih.
Tuangkan keatas lapisan pertama tadi yg sudah mengeras sedikit.

4.Biarkan agar2 keras di suhu bilik & sejukkan.
Hidangkan dgn lapisan merah di sebelah atas.

Lychee Jelly II (Agar-Agar Laici II) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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