Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lacy Crepes & Durian Gravy (Again)

 Durian is so expensive in Miri, ranging from RM18-RM25 per kg. However, yesterday we were so lucky for able to buy 9 durians for RM50 which were still very fresh - must be due to night time & the seller wanted to leave soon. We ate seven durians one go & left some for Roti Jala for today's evening tea. My hubby & children been craving for this for long time and enjoyed it so much just now with non-stop compliment to Mum (me of course...hehe).
 I've posted this few times already in the past & the reason why I'm showing it again because I wanted to show the bottle I used this time. Tested my new bottle which is a gift from my dearest friend Hana.... miss her so much & hope that she will be able to start blogging again one day.

The bottle is so easy to use, even for those who do not know how to do the lacing part. You can order the bottle from Chikmi.
Pasted the same recipe that I posted earlier herewith with BM version as well. Actually I never measure my ingredients whenever I made Roti Jala - so used to the dumping method that my Emak taught me. Sometimes even with recipe will require a bit of adjustment when you see it too runny or too thick.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
(Makes >20 pieces)
250g Flour
1 Egg - beaten slightly
550ml Coconut Milk
1 tbsp Sugar
½ tsp Salt
1 tbsp Pandan Paste

1. Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
Strained so that it is smooth & the nozzles do not get blocked.

2. Use Roti Jala mould to lace it on a flat pan - see here for the lacy shape.
(Adjust the water if necessary, i.e. if too thick it will drip and if too thin the net will be coarse)
Once cooked, lift onto a plate & roll/fold.

3. Serve with sweet durian gravy or savoury curry.

Place durian, coconut milk, palm sugar, a pinch of salt & Screwpine leaf in a pot.
Cook until boiled.

Saja jer ulang tayang sebab nak tunjuk botol acuan baru yg Along dapat dari besan tersayang Hana. Rindu sesangat dengan Hana yg dah lama menyepi. Di harap Hana akan muncul lagi suatu hari nanti. Senang sangat nak buat roti jala menggunakan botol ni. Kalau sesiapa nak beli botol ni, boleh lah order dari Chikmi.

Resepi dah ada sebelum ni dalam BI, jadi kat sini Along bubuh versi BM pula.

Roti Jala & Kuah Durian

(Bilangan >20 ketul)
250g Tepung Gandum
1 bj Telur - pukul sedikit
550ml Santan
1 sb Gula
½ st Garam
1 sb Pes Pandan

1. Campurkan kesemua bahan2 di dalam blender.
Tapis supaya adunan yg berketul tidak menyumbat lubang acuan roti jala.

2. Tuangkan ke dlm botol acuan roti jala & jalakan ke atas kuali leper yg di minyakkan sedikit.
Tengok cara menjala kat sini.
(Jika terlalu cair, loretan roti jala akan jadi kasar tetapi jika terlalu pekat ia akan menitik & tidak menjalur. Tambah air atau tepung jika perlu)
Alihkan ke atas pinggan apabila masak  lipat/gulung.

3. Hidangkan dgn kuah durian atau kari pedas.

Letakkan durian, santan, gula, gula melaka, secubit garam & daun pandan ke dlm periuk. Masak sehingga mendidih.

Lacy Crepes & Durian Gravy (Again) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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