Friday, November 11, 2011

Soft Mango Jelly (Dadih Mangga)

Today is a special date.... 11.11.11...!

My mango tree is fruiting and had some ripen and that was the reason for this dessert creation to be served to my family during Idh Adha recently. I wanted something really soft which should just glide through throat once entered into mouth....
Makes 19 tubs
5g Jelly Powder
2 liter Water (next time I will reduce it slightly) 
210g Sugar
3 Mangoes* - peeled & slice 
1 small tub Yogurt* (* blend together) 
A pinch Salt
1/2 cup Condensed Milk / Sweetened Creamer

1. Boil helly powder & water.
Add in sugar & cook until dissolved.
Add in the rest of ingredients.
Cook until well mixed.
2. Pour into plastic tubs.
Cool & refrigerate before serving.

Sedap dadih yang Along buat ni.... Along buatkan supaya tekstur nya lembut... masuk mulut terus telan... Pastikan mangga yg di gunakan tu manis.

Bilangan: 19 tubs
5g Serbuk Agar-Agar
2 liter Air (boleh kurangkan jika tak mahu terlalu lembut) 
210g Gula
3 bj Buah Mangga* - kupas & hiris
1 bekas kecil Yogurt* (* blend) 
Secubit Garam
1/2 cwn Sus Pekat / Krimer Manis

1. Masak agar2 & air sehingga menggelegak.
Masukkan gula & masak sehingga gula hancur.
Masukkan kesemua bahan2 yg lain.
Masak sehingga sebati.

2. Tuangkan ke dlm bekas2 kecil bertutup.
Sejukkan di suhu bilik & kemudian dlm petisejuk sebelum di hidangkan.

My mango tree

Soft Mango Jelly (Dadih Mangga) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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