This is whole family favorite and it always ran out every time I cooked this. My two boyz complained that they did not have enough! Actually there were other dishes besides this one so I did not cook a big portion.
Recipe By: Roz@HomeKreation
1 kg Lamb Shoulders - cut into abt 2" sq
2 tbsp Flour
1 tbsp Turmeric Powder
3 tbsp Chili Paste
5 Lemongrass*
10 Shallots*
3 cloves Garlic*
4" Ginger*
2 tbsp Coriander Seeds*
1 tbsp Cumin*
1tbsp Fennel Seeds* (* blend)
Salt & Sugar
1 cup Oil
1. Rub cleaned lamb with plain flour thoroughly & rinse.
(This is to get rid of lamb smell).
2. Mix lamb with salt, turmeric powder & chili paste.
Add in blended ingredients, salt & sugar.
Marinate for at least half an hour.
3. Heat up 1 cup of oil in a non stick pot/wok.
Stir fry marinated lamb until dry and fragrant.
4. Dish out into a strainer to remove excessive oil.
Daging kambing kalau masak camni memang takda bau langsung bahkan sangat harum dengan rempah yg di masak garing. Anak2 Along ratah2 jer lauk ni & lepas tu komplen mama masak sikit sangat.
Recipe By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
1 kg Daging Kambing (Lamb Shoulders) - potong saiz 2" persegi
2 sb Tpg Gandum
1 sb Serbuk Kunyit
1 sb Serbuk Kunyit
3 sb Cili Mesin
5 btg Serai*
5 btg Serai*
10 ulas Bwg Merah*
3 ulas Bwg Putih*
4" Halia*
2 sb Biji Ketumbar*
1sb Jintan Manis*
1 sb Jintan Putih* (* blend)
Garam & Gula
1 cwn Minyak
1 cwn Minyak
1. Gaul kambing dgn tpg sehingga rata & bilas.
(tujuan nya utk menghilangkan bau hamis kambing)
2. Gaul dgg kambing dgn garam, serbuk kunyit & cili mesin sehingga rata.
Gaulkan dgn bhn2 blend, garam & gula.
Perap selama sekurang2nya 1/2 jam.
3. Panaskan 1 cwn minyak di dlm periuk/kuali tak melekat.
Masak sehingga kering & rempah2 nya garing.
4. Angkat & biarkan di dalam tapis sebentar utk mengasingkan minyak yg berlebihan.
Cooking in process.... |