Monday, January 23, 2012

Kacang Phool Ayam

 I bought a can of foul beans which I found in Taiping Giant hypermarket during my last visit. I used baked beans to replace the foul beans in the earlier version that I posted here because I cannot find the real ones in Miri. This time I've added minced chicken instead of beef. This is the first time I tried foul beans..... comparing the two versions, I prefer the first version using baked beans!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
1 can Foul Beans (squeezed) 
250g Minced Chicken
5 Shallots*
1 cloves Garlic*
½" Ginger*
½ tsp Fennel Seeds*
½ tsp Cumin seeds*  (*blend) 
2 tbs Curry Powder
1 Big Onion**
1 Tomato**
Red & Green Chilies**
¾ Boiled Eggs (or fried/poached eggs) 
Slices of Toasted Bread

1. Heat up some oil & stir fry blended ingredients* until fragrant.
Add in curry powder & stir for a minute.
Add in chicken meat & stir until cooked.
Add in foul beans & salt.
Let it boiled & add in tomato, onion & chilies.

2. Serve with toasted bread and eggs.

Kali ni Along buat Kacang Phool guna kacang yg sebenar, dulu Along buat guna baked beans jer sbb kat Miri takda jual kacang phool - tengok kat sini versi dulu tu ya. Versi kali ni, Along cuba2 guna isi ayam cincang pula & tambahkan jintan, memang sedap.... tapi kalau tanya Along mana yg sedap, Along lebih suka versi pertama dulu tu yg menggunakan baked beans walaupun hubby kata yg ini pun sedap juga.... terpulang lah selera masing2 kan.

1 tin Kacang Phool (ramas) 
250g Daging Ayam Cincang
5 ulas Bawang Merah*
1 ulas Bawang putih*
½" Halia* (*dikisar halus) 
½ st Jintan Manis*
½ st Jintan Putih* 
2 sb Rempah Kari Daging
1 biji Bawang Besar**
1 biji Tomato**
Cili Hijau & Merah**
Telur Rebus ¾ masak / Telur Goreng
Roti Panggang

1. Panaskan sedikit minyak & tumis bahan2 kisar* sehingga wangi.
Masukkan rempah kari dan kacau sebentar.
Masukkan isi ayam & masak sehingga daging kecut.
Masukkan kacang phool & garam dan masak sehingga menggelegak.
Masukkan tomato, bwg besar & cili yg di dadu.

2. Hidangkan dengan roti panggang dan telur.

Showing both sides of the can

Drained Foul Beans

My favourite 3/4 cooked egg served w black soy sauce

Kacang Phool Ayam Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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