Sunday, January 22, 2012

Polka-dot Apam for CNY Gift

 I wasn't feeling too well that I have to cancel my business trip to Holland which was scheduled this week. Apart from that, my hubby asked me to rest from blogging for few days to ensure I fully recover - that was the reason why I have been quiet for the last few days. So here I am again, feeling slightly better although I still need more rest....

A quick update today to show off my beautiful red & white polka-dot apam that I made for my friend Chin. For the last many years (almost 10 years), Chin never forget to give me something for Hari Raya and so did I when Chinese New Year approaching. Such a beautiful friendship and bonding between two different cultures. Due to my health, I made her something quick and easy to handle for this year gift. I chose red to denote the CNY color. I hope she & family enjoy it.
 The recipe was posted earlier here.

Along buat ni untuk hadiahkan kpd kawan untuk makan2 semperna CNY. Along guna resipi yang sama seperti yg buat kat sini dulu, cuma tukarkan warna & inti. Kali ni, Along guna inti blueberry jam & red bean paste.
Liana first training session... she was so eager to help so I gave her a simple task to place the paper cups into the mould with supervision by Kakak

Ready to enter the steamer
 Memang mudah kalau guna steamer elektrik ni...
Steaming in the process

Polka-dot Apam for CNY Gift Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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