Thursday, February 23, 2012

Terubuk Masin Masak Lemak Cili Padi + Terung Asam

 Yesterday I received a parcel from a dear FB friend containing fresh salted Terubuk (Longtail Shad) specially flown from Kuching. She suggested this dish and therefore I asked a favour from hubby to buy Terung Asam (local sour brinjal) after office hours today as I cannot wait to try.

Indeed she is right that the salted Terubuk from Kuching is a lot fresher than the ones sold in Miri. It is also a lot less salty. My hubby and I enjoyed our dinner very much tonight - thanks so much dear friend.

Salted Terubuk / Longtail Shad
Terung Asam (local sour brinjal)

Here is the recipe:

Salted Longtail Shad in Chili Padi Green Broth + Local Sour Brinjal
By: Roz@HomeKreation
1 Salted Terubuk
4 Shallots*
10 Chili Padi*
3 Green Chilies*
1" Turmeric Root* (* pounded) 
1 Lemongrass - bruised 
1 small Terung Asam - sliced with skin on (it will be easily peeled off after cooked) 
1 bowl Thin Coconut Milk
1 bowl Thick Coconut Milk
4 Green Chilies - cut lengthway
MSG (optional) 

1. Clean salted terubuk with a lot of water so that it is not too salty & scale-off.
Cut into big pieces (if too small it will break during cooking).

2. Place all ingredients into a pot, except thick coconut milk.
(Note that no need to add salt to cooking as fish is already salty)
Cook until Terung Asam is tender.
Add in sliced green chilies & thick coconut milk & off the fire once boiled.

3. Serve with white rice.

Along tak pernah lagi masak ikan terubuk masin macam ni. Buat ni setelah kawan FB tersayang kirimkan ikan terubuk masin yang segar dari Kucing dan dia cadangkan masak begini. Memang sedap lah, terbuntang Along & hubby selepas dinner tadi, makan sungguh2.... hehe.

Tak larat lak nak menaip banyak2 malam ni.... rasa nya semua org pun pandai masak lemak kan.... kot2 ada yg nak resipi, kaborkan kat ruangan komen ya, senang2 nanti Along update kalau ada permintaan.

Kepada kekawan yg singgah, tq banyak2.... lambat sikit Along balas kunjungan ya... letih ni selalu jer berjaga macam burung hantu...... almaklum Along bekerja di siang hari, cuma lewat malam jer masa yg ada untuk berblogging.

Terubuk Masin Masak Lemak Cili Padi + Terung Asam Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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