Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pandan White Butter Cake

 I came home late again tonight so cooked something simple for dinner after reached home... poor kids they were so hungry when dinner was served. Nothing fancy to share as I only cooked Chicken Soy Sauce and  vegetables.

This cake I'm sharing herewith is something I made few weeks ago but I was too busy that I forgot to post. I made it to clear some egg whites and created a fabulous cake out of it! I was very happy with the outcome -  the cake has moist texture in the inside and crispy in the outer.... Pandan flavour for egg white cake is really a good combination as it eliminates the egg smell and instead produces nice aroma!
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Makes 1 bundt cake
225g Butter
350g Sugar
150g Egg Whites
430g Plain Flour*
1½ tbs Baking Powder*
½ tsp Salt* (*sifted together)
150ml Fresh Milk**
200ml Coconut Cream**
1 tbsp Pandan Paste** (** mixed) 

1. Cream butter & sugar until white & fluffy.
Add in egg whites bit by bit while beating.
Add in flour* & milk mixture** alternately until well mixed.

2. Pour into greased bundt pan.
Bake at 170C for 60 minutes or until cooked.

Kek yang Along hasilkan untuk menghabiskan sisa2 telur putih.... tersangat lah sedap dengan aroma pandan dan santan. Kek ni lembab di dalam dan garing di luar nya. Lihatlah gambar tu, anda akan nampak kelembapan nya.

Menghasilkan sebiji kek acuan bundt
225g Mentega
350g Gula
150g Telur Putih 
430g Tepung Gandum*
1½ sb Baking Powder*
½ st Garam* (*ayak/campur)
150ml Susu Segar**
200ml Santan Lemak**
1 tbsp Pes Pandan** (** campur) 

1. Pukul mentega & gula sehingga kembang.
Masukkan telur putih sedikit2 sambil di pukul.
Masukkan tepung* dan campuran susu** berselang-seli sehingga sebati.

2. Tuang adunan ke dlm acuan bundt.
Bakar 170C selama sejam atau sehingga masak.

Pandan White Butter Cake Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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