Monday, April 2, 2012

Ikan Kukus Wangi Selasih Celup Air Asam (Steamed Fish with Basil Leaves)

 I bought a bunch of basil leaves in the recent week end without having anything in mind at that time. Only tonight suddenly an idea came through..... Adding basil to steamed fish does make a lot different to the flavour and aroma.... mmmmh.... I ended up eating more than my usual portion! Kids and hubby like it too.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
2 big Mackerels (Kembung)
1" Ginger - pound & squeeze juice 
Basil Leaves

1. Rub fish with salt & ginger juice.
2. Steam for 10 minutes.
Sprinkle basil leaves & steam for another 5 minutes.
3. Dish out & pour Asam Sauce (refer here for recipe).
4. Serve with white rice along other dishes.

Cuba lah resipi yg Along hidangkan hari ni.... ikan kembung di kukus dgn daun selasih & di siram air asam..... walaaa, tak cukup nasi sepinggan... hehehe. Aroma daun selasih memang menyelerakan!

2 ekor besar Ikan Kembung
1" Halia - tumbuk & perah jus nya
Daun Selasih

1. Gaul ikan dgn garam & jus halia.
2. Kukus selama 10 minit.
Tabur daun selasih & kukus 5 minit lagi.
3. Hidangkan ke dalam piring & curahkan Air Asam Sauce (resipi air asam kat sini ).
4. Hidangkan dgn nasi putih & lauk sampingan yg lain.

Ikan Kukus Wangi Selasih Celup Air Asam (Steamed Fish with Basil Leaves) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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