Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sotong Pulut Berkuah Kacang (Stuffed Squid with Peanut Gravy)

 Made this on my brother's request.... hope you like it. This scrumptious dish is suitable for special occasions and not difficult to make.... watch out the calories and eat moderately because you may be carried away once you start eating. The whole combination of squid, glutinous rice and peanut gravy are indescribably delicious!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Guided by (recipe has been modified): magazine Rasa May'12 
1 kg (7 pieces) medium size Squids
1 cup (170ml) Glutinous Rice - wash & soak 1 hour & drain 
1 liter Thick Coconut Milk (enough to cover - see photo below) 
1 slice Ginger
1 Lemongrass

1 cup Peanut - deep fried until crispy 
15 Dried Chilies*
4 Shallots* (* fried with some oil & blend finely) 
2 cm Ginger
1 Lemongrass
1 tsp Tamarind - add few tbsp water to squeeze juice 
1 cup Water / Thin Coconut Milk
3 tbsp Sugar

1. Stuff each squid 3/4 full with glutinous rice & pin opening with tooth picks.
2. Follow cooking steps shown in photos below.
3. To make peanut sauce, blend all ingredients and cook until boil.
4. Serve cooked stuffed squids with peanut sauce.

Along buat sotong sumbat pulut ni atas permintaan abang Along (Alang) yg tetiba pulak teringin nak makan ketupat sotong. Lepas dia call malam tu, esuk pagi hubby pun pi pasar cari & alhamdulillah ada pulak sotong hari tu. Along buat ni sendiri ler makan sebab abang Along tu kat Lumut, camna lak nak hantar dari Miri ni.... tapi dia beria2 gak suruh buat & tayang kat blog pun jadi lah kata nya.... Alahai, sian sungguh... Pada sesiapa yg tak pernah makan sotong sumbat pulut ni, harus mencuba nya sebab tersangat lah sedap. Pulut yg di sumbat tu akan bercampur dgn telur sotong dan bila dah masak amat padat dan kental sekali.... bau nya pula amat harum... sedap sangat2 tapi sedih pulak nak makan terkenangkan abang Along tu....

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Panduan dari majalah Rasa Mei'12 tapi resipi telah di ubah suai
1 kg (7 ekor) Sotong sederhana besar
1 cwn (170ml) Beras Pulut - basuh, rendam 1 jam & tapis
1 liter Santan Pekat (cukup utk menutupi sotong spt gambar di bawah) 
1 hiris Halia
1 btg Serai

1 cwn Kacang Tanah - goreng dgn minyak sehingga garing
15 btg Cili Kering*
4 ulas Bwg Merah* (* goreng dgn sedikit minyak & di kisar) 
2 cm Halia
1 btg Serai
1 st Asam Jawa - perah air nya 
1 cwn Air / Santan Cair
3 sb Gula

1.  Sumbat sotong 3/4 penuh dgn beras pulut & semat atas nya dgn kayu cungkil gigi.
2. Masak dgn santan, halia, serai & garam spt gambarajah di bawah sehingga kering.
3. Untuk kuah kacang, blend kesemua bahan2 & masak sehingga mendidih.
4. Hidangkan ketupat sotong dgn kuah kacang.

Below is the cooking steps:
Cara2 nak memasak ketupat sotong:
Step 1: Place stuffed squid in a pot

Step2: Add coconut milk enough to cover squids, bruised ginger, lemongrass, salt

Step 3: Let it cook, stirring frequently (the squid colors the coconut milk pink)

Step 4: Ready once dried up
 Jemput makan....

Sotong Pulut Berkuah Kacang (Stuffed Squid with Peanut Gravy) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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