By: Roz@HomeKreation
+/-400g Beef - sliced
1/2 bowl Chili Paste
5 Shallots*
2 cloves Garlic* (* pounded)
2" Ginger**
1 big Onion**
2 Green Chili** (** sliced)
1 Tomato - cut
Salt & Sugar
1. Boil beef with plenty of water until tender.
2. Heat up 1/4 cup oil & stir fry chili paste until fragrant.
Add in pounded ingredients* & stir fry until dry.
Add in sliced ingredients** & stir fry for short while.
Add in beef & tomato, stir few more minutes.
3. Dish out & serve with rice.
Lauk biasa2 jer tapi kat rumah ni lauk macam ni lah yang paling laris. Ingat hari ni nak buat mapin, kemarin hubby gi kedai beli bahan2 tapi mood tengah down ni... selepas kes ciplak ni, lemah jer semangat.... mood nak membaking pun merudum.
+/-400g Daging - hiris nipis
1/2 mangkuk Cili Mesin
5 ulas Bwg Merah*
2 ulas Bwg Putih* (* tumbuk)
2" Halia**
1 bj Bwg Besar**
2 Cili Hijau** (** sliced)
1 Tomato - potong
Garam & Gula
1. Rebus daging sehingga empuk.
2. Panaskan 1/4 cwn minyak & tumis cili mesin sehingga wangi.
Masukkan bhn tumbuk* & kacau sehingga agak kering.
Masukkan bhn2 hiris** & kacau sebentar.
Masukkan daging & tomato, kacau beberapa minit lagi.