By: Roz@HomeKreation
It is so simple to prepare:
1. Wash potatoes & cut four. Prick with fork & place in a covered microwave safe glass container.
Sprinkle with paprika, parsley, ground black pepper & onion salt.
Microwave at High for 5 minutes.
2. Rub chicken pieces with salt & place in oven safe casserole.
Place carrots & onion on top.
Sprinkle with paprika, parsley, ground black pepper, onion salt & butter dollops.
Bake at 200C for 30 minutes.
Place the microwaved potato & continue baking for another 30 minutes.
3. Serve with Tomato Bread slices and mayonnaise sauce.*************************************
Di kala hujung minggu, kita org suka makan yg ringan2 sahaja waktu lunch, tak payah makan nasi. My two boys paling happy bila hidangkan menu macam ni.
Cara untuk menyediakan:
1. Basuh kentang & potong 4 tanpa di kupas kulit nya.
Cucuk2 dgn garfu & letak dlm mangkuk tahan panas.
Taburkan paprika, parsley, sebuk lada hitam & onion salt.
2. Gaul ayam dgn garam & letakkan dlm bekas tahan panas.
Letakkan potongan karot & bwg besar.
Taburkan paprika, parsley, sebuk lada hitam, onion salt & butter.
Bakar pada suhu 200C selama 30 min.
Masukkan kentang tadi & bakar 30 min lagi.
3. Hidangkan dgn roti tomato & sos mayo.