Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hati Buya (Peparu Goreng Berempah)

Didn't snap many photos and was quite disappointed with what came out... none really look good and reflects what it really looks like! Anyway, for those from Sarawak surely know how this looks like.... just like its name, it is black and deliciously spiced deep fried beef lung. I like to eat this just by itself or with hot rice with no other dishes. You can also buy from weekend night market - quite expensive... few pieces cost RM3/- despite cheap cost and not much effort in cooking it!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
300-400g Beef Lung - sliced thinly 
1 tsp Turmeric Powder
1 tsp Chili Powder
4 Shallots*
2 cloves Garlic*
1" Ginger*
1 Lemongrass*
1 tsp Black pepper*
2 tsp Coriander Seeds*
1 tsp Cumin Seeds*
1 tsp Fennel Seeds* (* blend) 
Water - enough to cover, abt 1-2 cups 
1/2 tsp Sugar
1. Place all in wok and cook until dry.
2. Scoop all into hot oil + 1 sliced big onion & deep fry until crispy.

Sorry lah kali ni gambo sekeping jer... entah naper gambo semua kelabu jer... yg sekeping ni pula tak nampak sangat rupa nya. Apa2 pun... meh tengok satu lagi makanan yg popular kat Sarawak ni... peparu goreng ni di goreng garing sehingga rempah2 nya rangup. Lagi banyak serdak nya lagi sedap! Rasanya tak liat tapi lembut kenyal & luarnya garing. Along suka makan ni ratah2 jer atau pun makan dgn nasi panas, tak payah lauk lain lagi dah. Kalau malas nak buat boleh lah beli kat pasar malam Miri tapi mahal lah, RM3/- cuma beberapa ketul kecil jer. Baiklah buat sendiri, puas makan kan, bukan nya susah pun nak buat nya.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
300-400g Peparu - hiris nipis 
1 st Serbuk Kunyit
1 st Serbuk Cili
4 ulas Bwg Merah*
2 ulas Bwg Putih*
1" Halia*
1 btg Serai*
1 st Lada Hitam Biji*
2 st Biji Ketumbar*
1 st Jintan Manis Biji*
1 bj Jintan Putih Biji* (* blend) 
Air  - secukupnya 1-2 cwn
1/2 st Gula
1. Masukkan kesemua bahan ke dalam kuali & rebus sehingga airnya kering.
2. Sendukkan ke dalam minyak yg panas + 1 bj hirisan bwg besar dan goreng sehingga garing.

Hati Buya (Peparu Goreng Berempah) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jagostu


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